Saturday, June 28, 2008

Authentic Mexican Recipe-Basic Salsa

Here's another example of Authentic Mexican Cooking. This basic salsa recipe is commonly found in taquerias and served with just about everything. It's easy to make and will keep about a week in the refrigerator.

Basic Taqueria Salsa
2 large tomatoes
4 tomatillos
1/2 sm. onion
8-15 dried chile de arbol (adjust to suit desired heat)
salt to taste

Cut tomatoes in half, remove core and place in a large saucepan. Remove husks from tomatillos and add to pan, add onion. You have two choices with the chiles. You can either remove the stems and add to the pan, or roast them over an open flame until blackened and save for later. If you do roast them, be sure to open a window and hold your breath or you will be coughing for hours. Trust me on this one.
After all ingredients are in the pan (not the chiles if roasted), cover with water and bring to a boil. Boil until tomatillos are soft, about 10 minutes. Place everything in a blender including salt and the roasted chiles and blend until liquid. That's it you're done! Enjoy your authentic Mexican salsa!

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